Ari’s Bears is going strong! Just last week some of Ariella’s school friends went to Sinai Hospital in Baltimore to deliver some bears. Ariella had only known most of these kids 6 months before she went into the hospital and yet she made such an impression on them that they are passionate about continuing her legacy. Between making bears, delivering bears, creating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah project, and joining the youth board, Ariella’s friends will be the future of Ari’s Bears.
We have some fun and exciting events coming up. We have two local festivals in the upcoming weeks and Ari’s Bears will have a table at each. We hope to continue to spread Ari’s mission to as many people as possible. We are appreciative of all the volunteers who have signed up to help. It is because of the volunteers that we will be able to grow and expand as Ari had wished.
CureFest is fast approaching and if you are not familiar with it, I urge you to check it out. It is a very powerful advocacy event for childhood cancer awareness, starting and ending with opportunities specific to youth with a rally, performances, candlelight vigil, and more in between. We attended last year for the first time and this year Ariella was looking forward to performing. Her dance studio will be performing at this memorable event, the tribute dance for Ariella that she was able to perform in just once. Ari’s Bears will have a table there so if you attend make sure to look for us.
We are nearing the beginning of Ariella’s favorite time of year. The beginning of school, the season of fall, her birthday, and Halloween. She loved fall so much. The weather, the colors, and she knew it meant her birthday was fast approaching. This year she should be 12. She never got to be a teenager (though she certainly had the attitude of one). Halloween was her favorite holiday, and she often was planning the next year’s costume even before the current Halloween had arrived.
We of course will not let Ariella’s birthday go unnoticed. We are going to have a “Bear” raising experience at Build-a-Bear on September 29 (her birthday is October 2). We are inviting everyone to purchase and build a bear to leave with us so we can build up our inventory and have some fun while doing so. Details to come soon.
This time of year is often hectic for parents and families. I urge you to slow down, enjoy the moments you have, and try not to get lost in all the activities and stress. Hug and kiss your kids often and take lots of pictures. Don’t wait for tragedy to strike in order to appreciate what you have.