This Year’s Grant

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We are thrilled to announce we have awarded a $30,000 grant to Dr. Keller of the Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute, for his research on treatments for Rhabdomyosarcoma!

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Dr. Toretsky Presentation

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We were so thrilled to award a $30,000 grant to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown Hospital, for his research on Ewing’s Sarcoma. He kindly

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FAQs About our Dance-a-Thon

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1. Can adults register? ABSOLUTELY!!! All ages are welcome and several adults have registered already. Don’t be left out! If you are an adult and want to get your groove

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What’s Been Going On?

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A lot has been going on behind the scenes lately.  We came home with over 160 bears from Ariella’s Birthday Bearnanze and we decided it was time to move some

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Ari’s Bears BearRaiser Bearnanza

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Ariella turned 12 in Heaven yesterday, October 2, 2019.  In honor of her birthday we had a birthday event over the weekend at our local Build-a-Bear store. We invited friends,

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Ari’s Bears Going Strong

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Ari’s Bears is going strong!  Just last week some of Ariella’s school friends went to Sinai Hospital in Baltimore to deliver some bears.  Ariella had only known most of these

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The Story of Ari’s Bears

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I wanted to share the story of Ari’s Bears and the amazing girl who dreamed up the idea.  Ariella was a fiercely independent, spunky, feisty, sassy, generous, and kind girl.

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